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Educational & Professional Background

Arabella Vida, a distinguished scholar with a Master’s degree and specialized certifications in special-needs education, exemplifies a spirit of fervent service through her professional pursuits. As CEO of the Ethan Vida Organization (EVO), a charity devoted to advocating for those with special needs, Arabella has tirelessly ensured that the most marginalized members of the community receive the comprehensive support and compassion they deserve. Her career stands as a testament to her commitment to translating educational theory into tangible, impactful community service.

Personal Story

Arabella’s journey to advocacy and service is deeply personal and poignant. Confronted with the profound challenges of raising a severely autistic child, she has adeptly navigated the complexities of various support systems, from healthcare to legal aids. These experiences have endowed her with invaluable insights into the necessary reforms to make these systems more inclusive and effective. Her personal trials have fortified her resolve to champion those facing similar adversities, establishing her as a genuine advocate for families grappling with special needs.

A to Z of Arabella:

  • A - Advocate for Accessibility: Arabella Vida champions the rights of the marginalized, ensuring everyone in Milton has access to housing, healthcare, and happiness. Her Vibrant, Inspirational, Dedicated, and Accomplished nature sets her apart.
  • B - Bridge-Builder: Connecting with her community is Arabella's top priority. She pledges to be a bridge between policy and people, promising personal engagement throughout her tenure to bring positive change.
  • C - Compassionate Champion: With a heart for the homeless and a vision for affordable living, Arabella is committed to securing basic human rights for all, fighting for accessible homes and curbing rental increases.
  • D - Dedicated Defender: Arabella stands with refugees facing immigration challenges, dedicating her platform to resolving these issues with empathy and effectiveness.
  • E - Empathy in Action: As CEO of Ethan Vida Organization and a mother to an autistic child, Arabella uniquely understands the needs of children with special conditions, striving to ensure a brighter future for our youngest citizens.
  • F - Financial Forethought: Through the Ethan Vida Organization, Arabella plans to implement financial strategies that not only aid but also empower victims of abuse and trauma, embodying healing through support and resources.
  • G - Guaranteed Basic Livable Income is a key policy she supports to ensure everyone can live with dignity.
  • H - Housing as a human right, Arabella is set to make housing accessible and affordable for all.
  • I - Integrity in politics, Arabella Vida brings a new standard of honest and transparent governance.
  • J - Justice for all, especially the marginalized and the oppressed, is at the forefront of her campaign.
  • K - Knowledge and education for special needs, championing innovative solutions and support systems via EVO.
  • L - Leadership with a personal touch, offering door-to-door opportunities to meet with constituents.
  • M - Medical facilities of a first-of-its-kind, envisioned by EVO, to serve those with special needs and their families.
  • N -Newcomers and immigrants to Ontario have a staunch ally in Arabella, advocating for their rights and smooth integration.
  • O - Opportunity for everyone, Arabella believes in creating equal chances for success and happiness.
  • P - Personable, authentic, and caring, Arabella's approach to politics is refreshingly genuine.
  • Q  - Quality care for victims of trauma and abuse through comprehensive support services.
  • R - Refugee rights and immigration issues are tackled head-on with empathy and action.
  • S - Special protocol officer at EVO to address emergency situations, ensuring no one is left behind.
  • T - Transparent and accountable, Arabella promises open lines of communication with her constituents.
  • U - Unconditional support for families and children with special needs, providing them with the resources they need through EVO (Ethan Vida Organization).
  • V - Vibrant community initiatives, spearheaded by Arabella, aim to enrich Milton’s social fabric.
  • W - Welcoming attitude towards constituent concerns, valuing and appreciating their need for advocacy.
  • X - Xenial relationships with all community members, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect.
  • Y - Yielding positive results through active, compassionate leadership and innovative policies.
  • Z - Zeal for public service, Arabella Vida's campaign is driven by a sincere desire to make a difference in the lives of Milton’s residents.